Trip Report – Christian Kupfer

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How long were you in Nagoya and with which research group?
5 weeks in Prof. Kato’s group


What did you research while you were there?
Thickness-dependent microwave photoconductivity (and therefore charge carrier lifetime) of MAPbI3-thinfilms


What was the most interesting thing about your experience?
Experiencing the different culture and the weekend trip to Kyoto with its beautiful temples, shrines, and gardens.


What was one thing that you found especially different?
How crowded some places (e.g. subway) can get while still being relatively quiet.


Where else did you travel in Japan?
Kyoto, Tokyo


What will you always remember?
–The taste of Japanese sushi
–Seeing the northern lights from the airplane window
–The shrine of thousand gates (Fushimi Inari) and golden temple (Kinkakuji) in Kyoto.