Trip Report – Gabriel Stankiewicz
How long were you in Nagoya and with which research group?
I stayed in Nagoya for 1 month with the research group of Prof. Takashi Kosaka from the Department of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering.
What did you research while you were there?
I worked on simulations of two material structures with interfaces.
What was the most interesting thing about your experience?
Experiencing the Japanese culture, food and Japan itself with all its differences to what we know from Europe, including both the cities and the nature.
What was one thing that you found especially different?
The punctuality and organization of the trains and public transport system.
What was one thing that you found very similar?
The social integration of students at the University, at least in the research group I stayed with. They do enjoy organizing common activities, like playing sports together.
Where else did you travel in Japan?
I visited a few of the main cities on the main island, including: Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto and Hiroshima.
What will you always remember?
Playing baseball for the first time in my life with the students from the research group I stayed with.