Researcher Highlight – Michelle Weichelt in Project D

We hope to give a better insight to the program by introducing our PhD students. This time we would like to introduce you to Michelle Weichelt who recently started her research in Project D – Additive Manufacturing of Cellular Lead-Free Ceramics:
How did you become a part of the IRTG program?
After school I started to study material science and engineering in 2016 at the FAU Erlangen – Nürnberg and successfully completed my master’s degree in 2022. During my master’s thesis, my predecessor David Köllner made me aware of the position and, together with Tobias Fey, informed me about the program and the topic of project D.
Why were you interested in this IRTG program?
Through my Hiwi position, which I already started in 2018 at the Chair of Glass and Ceramics, I already got an insight into the research work. Afterwards, while writing my bachelor thesis 2019, I realized that I enjoy working at the university incredibly much and at the latest after the submission, I knew that I would like to continue working at a research institute and do my PhD after my studies. This decision was further strengthened by my master’s degree, also because I worked very much on the side at the chair and could actively participate in everyday research. In 2022, I got the opportunity to participate in the „Ceramics in Europe 2022“ conference in Krakow, which was another highlight for me and a reason to continue my academic career.
The IRTG program gives me the opportunity to continue working on additive manufacturing in combination with a current topic. Furthermore, it gives me the possibility not only to work at the institute in Erlangen, but also to fly to Japan and do research there, which is a great chance.
Tell us a little bit about your current research for the IRTG.
The IRTG program just started, so at the moment I try to familiarize myself with the subject.
I’m reading a lot about David Köllner’s work (who was the doctoral researcher in Project D throughout the first cohort of this IRTG), which was great. I’m going to start combining my previous knowledge with the new topic and I’m learning a lot right now. To transfer the auxetic structures from monolithic to modular cellular ceramics will be one of my first steps.
What is one goal in your life?
One of my goals, of course, is to finish my PhD.
For me it is important to have fun in everything I work and do. I look forward to going to work just about every day because I really enjoy it and get excited about my topic. One of my goals is to always be enthusiastic about what I do and to have fun and enjoy it, because that’s what makes me happy at the end of the day.
What is the best book you have ever read?
One of the best books I have read is by Paolo Coelho „Der Alchemist“. Another of my favorite books is by Benedict Wells „Hard Land“.