Congratulations to Prof. Dr. Ken-ichi Kakimoto!

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Prof. Ken-ichi Kakimoto

On July 11th, Prof. Dr. Ken-ichi Kakimoto from the Nagoya Institute of Technology (NITech) was presented with an honorary doctorate of Engineering at the Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg. This award recognises his outstanding scientific achievement and long-standing ties with FAU, the Faculty of Engineering and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering.

The introductory words were spoken by FAU President Prof. Dr. Hornegger and he then handed over the laudatory speech to Prof. Dr. Kyle Webber, who has maintained a scientific relationship with Prof. Kakimoto for many years. He briefly shed light on the path that led to the close relationship between the FAU and Prof. Kakimoto.

Prof. Webber also pointed out Prof. Kakimoto’s many achievements, which include his scientific work in the field of functional ceramics as well as his involvement in research communities and for the intercultural connection between German and Japanese scientists. The many connections and the relationship between Prof. Webber and Prof. Kakimoto ultimately brought out the Research Training Group 2495 „Energy Conversion Systems“.

In addition to his professorship in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NITech and his role as Vice President for Research Promotion and as Vice President for Human Resources, Risk Management and Compliance Promotion, Prof. Kakimoto has also been an FAU Ambassador since 2020.

After the personal laudatory speech, Prof. Kakimoto presented his keynote speech on „Lead-free Piezoelectrics – Challenges and Chances“, in which he showed his comprehensive research.

Afterwards, he was ceremoniously awarded his honorary doctorate by Prof. Dr. Hornegger.

We would like to express our warmest congratulations to Prof. Kakimoto and thank him very much for the honorable visit!

(Images: Erich Malter)