Researcher Highlight – Tim Freund from Project I
Tim Freund from Project I – Growth of Single Crystal Transition Metal Perovskite Chalcogenides introduces himself and his work in the IRTG. This interview is part of the IRTG Researcher Highlight Series.

Could you provide a summary of your research ?
In my research I try to manufacture thin films of a novel type of semiconductors called chalcogenide Perovskites. Their potential applications are in the field of solar cells and other renewable energy technologies.
Why did you choose to join this particular IRTG ?
During my master thesis my supervisor Prof. Heiss told me about this project. Eventually I was intrigued to apply because the topic of the project supplied answers to the two biggest problems of the Halide perovskites I was working with back then. That is, toxicity and stability. Furthermore, I felt like this IRTG offered great opportunity to grow as a person and a scientist because of the many different people and projects involved.
My experience so far has been one of ups and downs, but I think it is important to maintain a positive spirit and not dwell too much on every setback. I have been especially pleased with all of the members of the IRTG as they generally very supportive and kind. Surely, not every experiment goes as planned, but there still is much to learn from failure.
What are your plans after graduation?
Immediately after graduation I want to take a couple of months off for myself, maybe travel a bit or focus on making music. Then I would like to continue my journey as a scientist, but I will look for new positions both in industry and academia.
What do you like to do outside of work in Erlangen-Nuremberg-Area?
When corona isn’t putting everything at hault, I like to spend time with my friends outside in a park or enjoy some franconian beer in a bar, visit concerts and dance in the clubs of the area.
I also like to go for a barefooted walk in the lovely Meilwald north of Erlangen, read and practice my skills on guitar and bass.